Modules and Tools
For All of Your Business Needs
Simpletrak provides users with efficient, high quality tools to automate your processes and boost productivity.
Access 24/7
Log On To Simpletrak from your Mac, Windows, iOS, or Android devices anywhere and at any time of the day. Simplerak is there for you.
Responsive Design
Integrated Apps
The Apps are fully integrated for peak efficiency and less redundancy. Don’t waste your time trying to fill in the same information ever gain.
Take a look at our App library.
Over 3,000 Hours Saved A Year Using our A.I. and Risk Management
We did the math, Simpletrak is a proven resource to save you time, money and headaches. Our A.I. is so smart, it does the work for you. Designed from the ground up, our A.I. wizards have a vast array of data built directly into their programming. The system will calculate risk and make suggestions to manage that risk.
Our A.I. Wizards do the work for you!
- Safe and Secure
- Easy To Use
- Online Support